Plan your visit.
No matter who you are or where you've been, you are welcome here.
If you’re new here, you may have a lot of questions about our church, who we are, and what we do. We hope to answer a few of those questions, and give you a feel for what we’re all about. If you have any questions that you don’t see answered here, let us know!
Our church is characterized by a welcoming, casual environment with loving people that can't wait to connect with you. Each of our services last about one hour. We promise you can expect the following things when you show up to our church:
+ Friendly People
+ Family Environment
+ Relevant to your Life
+ Biblically based messages
When to arrive?
We recommend getting here 15 minutes early to account for parking and finding a seat. If you have kids, please allow for extra time to get them signed in to their environments.
What to wear?
Most people dress casually—jeans are a pretty common clothing choice around Calvary—but you can wear anything you feel comfortable in.

Why & When We Gather
During this time we meet together as one big extended family to worship Jesus. You can expect a time of singing, giving, prayer and biblical teaching.
+ Sunday Worship Service: 10:00am
+ MDWK Small Groups: Location and Times Vary (please visit our Home Room for more info)
Our mid-week groups are smaller in number of people that meet for the purpose of community and mission. We discuss practical life topics, encourage one another, celebrate together, challenging each other to live out the gospel and living on mission in their neighborhoods and communities.
*All of our Sunday worship services have activities for children. For additional information on our student ministries, please click here.